Friday, 18 January 2008

Database testdata

Whenever I try out a new framework, library or tool that uses a database, I need some data to run it on. Nothing too big, but not too small either. I've been thinking about how to create some useful testdata for ages. Yesterday I had the idea of using artist/album/song data from freedb. I downloaded a few updates to avoid a huge download of the whole database, selected a few artists and wrote a Python parser to create SQL insert statements. The resulting database is here for anyone who might find it useful. It contains 18 artists, 49 albums and 529 songs.

album-data-h2.jar.gz -- about 20k, a gzipped tar file containing an H2 database.

The individual SQL files are available if you want to use the data to populate something other than H2. You may need to modify the files to suite your database's SQL dialect.

album-sql.tar.gz -- about 11k, a gzipped tar file containing the schema creation and database population SQL. You will need to load the tables in the proper order to prevent foreign key violations: genres, artists, albums and finally tracks.

Use these at your own risk -- no guarantee implied or offered.

The freedb data is licensed under the GPL.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Add a jar file to Java load path at run time

Sometimes it is necessary to amend the class load path at run time. For example, dynamically adding jar files containing user-configurable JDBC data sources. The way this is done is truly monstrous -- the URL Path format was only revealed when a colleague looked into the Java library sources. Here is a simple example of how this is done jar-loader-src-0.1.jar which, as usual, has an ant build file: just type "ant run" at the shell prompt to compile and run it. You need ant and JDK >= 1.5 for this.

Checking if a JEditorPane has been edited (changed)

While I was looking for a way to check if a JEditorPane's text had been changed since the last save, I found a site that actually wanted me to pay for the answer. Bloody cheek. It isn't that tough, but it took a bit of reading. All that is needed is to install a DocumentListener into the editor pane's document. You can download a complete example swing-editor-src-0.1.jar which includes an ant build file. Just type "ant run" at the shell prompt to run it. You will need ant and JDK >= 1.5 (it may work in older JDKs, but I used 1.5 so I can't be sure).

The document can't tell when your program has saved the document (ie, it is no longer "dirty"), so you need to call setDirty(false) after a save.

Very short book review: JPA 101 Java Persistence Explained

This is the third JPA book I tried and the first which actually told me what I wanted to know quickly and clearly. If, like me, you are impatient and want to know how to use the excellent Java Persistence API, I highly recommend this book. It can be downloaded from SourceBeat. You can also order an on-demand printed copy. Being impatient, I went for the download version although I still think technology has a very long way to go before it can replace dead trees as the best way to delivery reading material.

Java Swing JButton keyboard shortcuts

It took ages to work out how to do this, so I decided to post it here in the hope someone else will benefit. Here's how to install a keyboard shortcut to a a Swing JButton so the button behaves as though it was clicked when the key is pressed:

JButton saveButton = new JButton(new SaveAction());
InputMap inputMap = saveButton.getInputMap(JButton.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
KeyStroke enter = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0);
inputMap.put(enter, "ENTER");
saveButton.getActionMap().put("ENTER", new ClickAction(saveButton));


public class ClickAction extends AbstractAction {
private JButton button;

public ClickAction(JButton button) {
this.button = button;

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

A complete example is in shortcut-buttons-src-0.1.jar. The download includes an ant build file. To compile and run, just type "ant run" at the shell prompt. You will need ant and a JDK >= 1.5 installed.